Tools abound on desktops, but not phones

I am a phone guy, very attached to my Nokia Series 60 phone, currently a Nokia 6600 (I’ve used the 7650 and 3650 as well).

One main reason for being a late blooming blogger is because I don’t sit a computer all day nor do I carry one around (other than my phone). I have been tentatively posting from my phone, to the detriment of my thumbs and hands.

Blogging software for phones is popping up, but nothing that is really full featured. Mostly point solutions. But, on the desktop, blogging is so much easier – from Explorer toolbar functions, to PC software, to lovely Mac software.

I just discovered ecto and have really seen why blogging can be so easy to incorporate into your life – if you have a computer with you all the time. 🙂

Oh well.

[Posted with ecto]