Doc Searls: The World Live Web

Doc Searls has a really good article on the state of the Web (from last fall).* He talks about the ‘static’ Web and the ‘living’  Web.

The static Web is about sites and content. The living Web is about time and people.

What really sums it up for me is the comment at the end of what his son, Allen, expects out of a ‘World Live Web’ (below).

Link: Linux for Suits – The World Live Web:

His original vision of the World Live Web was a literal one: a Web where anybody could contact anybody else and ask or answer a question in real time. When he first encountered the Web, as a researcher, he saw it as something fundamentally deficient at supporting the most human forms of interaction: the kind where one person increased the knowledge of another directly.

*In case you’re wondering, I found a pile of notes I never wrote about. Hence some references to some really old articles in the next few posts.