From a desktop

I suppose every weblog starts with self-exploratory statements about why and when and whom. Indeed, I rember doing such stuff when I first started my Geocities pages in the Frontier Days of the Web. Back then and now, I knew that for most of us the act of going on the Web was not an act of shameless publicity, but more akin to putting a flyer in a library.

Actually, one probably has more chance of being read as a random flyer in a random book in a random library than being randomly found on the web (at least 10 years ago). I guess TypePad has instituted some better random browsing capabilities so that some may randomly fall here.

But, as a long time writer, I know that people will come more often if I have something useful to say (the intent – this isn’t random spouting off into an echo chamber), say it regularly enough (that’s always tough), and mean it (otherwise I’m just making noise).

Let’s see…

My posts will come from my phone (my primary computer) or a random desktop. This first desktop post is courtesy of my home iMac. I can’t stand being stuck to a desk. But, it’s so flippin’ hard to type a decent length of prose in T9. Gotta get me a keyboard…