Lifeblog in new and cool places

Through colleagues at work, I was introduced to a very interesting person – she’s a model, a techie propeller head, a creative soul, and very very funny. She’s doing an art show where she is the art installation – it’s not so odd, since she’s a model SUPERMODEL and is used to being part of the art. The installation is about ‘a new kind of model SUPERMODEL’ who mixes technology, fashion, and art.

I hooked up with her because she finds Lifeblog so cool and we both see some interesting things we can do with it. One of the first and easiest things we did was set up a TypePad blog and Lifeblog 1.5 (not out yet!) on her phone. Go check out the blog over the next few weeks during the show. Lifeblog post. Her first post from Lifeblog from the phone.

Also, check out her own site, too to see the crazy and cool things she’s done.

She’s part of this small group of people I have lent phones and Lifeblog to, to see what kind of cool things they can do. I’ll discuss this ‘outreach’ a bit more later, but already you can see what kinds of things start happening when you enable cool people with cool tools.


    ho ho!
    thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu cool tool!
    lifeblog rocks

  2. The installation is about ‘a new kind of model’ who mixes technology, fashion, and art.

  3. giggle giggle giggle
    i was introduce to a very interesting person named charlie from lifeblog through a mutual friend at nokia. although i have never seen a photo even of charlie except that eye on the top of the page, he is a very very very funny guy! he has done so many wonderful things to help me, that i am eternally grateful. he even found two little worker elves up there in the finnish snowlands to help me on my exhibitions! magic! hope one day to meet him and laugh our heads off in person!
    giggle giggle…

  4. and i am a MODEL and my exhibition is about A NEW KIND OF SUPERMODEL
    LOLOLOL i would now like to see you cross all that out and stick it in there new. LOL.
    my exhibition is about THE FUTURE OF MODELING.
    like, as in super future role models, super high tech chics with brains who are beautiful. there’s gonna be TONS of them at my private party. i am so excited! my dearest friends are coming.

  5. WISH YOU COULD BE THERE CHARLIE!!!!!! IT’S GONNA BE SO GREAT!!!!!!! watch from the webcam and i will be so happy if you are there virtually!

  6. Hello hello…..
    WaOOOOo your web site it’s pretty cOOL. You’re the new millenium models generation….Well thanks for your comments about the casting yesterday….very funny !!!
    Keep doing your things and big big kisss !!!!!!!!!

  7. Are you gluten free? Do you eat gluten free? I have heard you have a recipe for gluten free pasta!? can you share? Thanks

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