Erik Thauvin’s LifeBlogger app updated


LifeBlogger allows you to post your Nokia Lifeblog favorites to your blog.

Your images, text notes and videos can now be effortlessly posted to your blog using FTP (Blogger, etc.) or via the MetaWeblog API (Movable Type, Radio UserLand, etc.) [More…]

Link: LifeBlogger.

I haven’t used this in a while, since I use TypePad, so no problem blogging from Lifeblog 1.5. But it should be nice for those who use other blogging providers or those who think we are trying to build a proprietary protocol for blogging and rule the universe (bwahahaha!).

Let me know how it works.

And, way to go Erik.

1 Comment

  1. Hi Charlie,
    I tried it. LifeBlogger is an api for the PC and doesn’t have a .sis api for the phone.
    As a Movable Type user, it is easier and I have more control for me to blog straight from my LifeBlog’s files on my PC from the MT Upload Interface than it was from LifeBlogger.
    The LifeBlogger application allowed me to blog from my PC’s LifeBlog, but I still had to go to my MT interface to correct size, position and category, of which I could do all from MT in the first place.
    Hmmmm…. Since the LifeBlog application on the phone uses the Atom protocol, it made me think that some nice, lovely plugin developer should make a little add on for mo-blogging. Plug in for drinks? Ms. Jen is buying…
    smiles, jen ;o)

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