Anina is something

I have the good fortune of being able to meet creative, enthusiastic, and interesting people. Through some wierd path, I met Anina, truly a new kind of supermodel.

After some long chats, I relized that all she needed was a bit of support to flower and do some really cool things with Lifeblog (she contacted me because she realized what she could do). She’s really mobile crazy (check out her movies and graphics) and technically savvy and has come up with some great ideas for blogging.

One of her ideas is a ‘caught blogging’ where she posts a hint as to where she’s at or going to be and folks need to ‘catch’ her, usually with a photo that they can post.

Link: Cought blogging!.

Another idea is to duel someone with blogs where they basically try to out-blog each other. Her first duel ended in a disaster because for some reason (maybe Lifeblog?) nothing worked and she couldn’t post.

Link: Kicking the living Lifeblog out of me!

And then of course, she’s gone nuts with her Digital Pen.

Link: Today’s post

She’s not doing this for me (or Lifeblog or Nokia), but for herelf (she’s not some Nokia spokesperson or anything – ugh!). It’s really her thing. She’s the one coming up with the ideas and doing everything. I just supply her with gadgets and not much else. I just find it interesting to watch, and what happens, happens.

Like I said, creative folks only need a bit of support. And I like what creative folks like her do.