Seth’s Blog: Small is the new big

Before I joined Nokia, I worked for a company of 1 – me. Everything I created, was created by me. It was great, and I was really growing personally, on the path to creating some more great stuff.

When I joined Nokia, I think they had over 60,000 employees (now I think they have about 54k, in 60 countries). It was my first office job. A very different experience. My advantage in the company, in some ways, is that I think as a little guy working with, not for, a big guy. It gives me a bit of a rebel attitude, allowing me to ignore the big company stuff, while delivering the speed and savvy that a little guy can bring. On the flip side, I have been constantly frustrated by things that small shops do that I can’t do because I work in a ‘beeg’ company.

But sometimes I think, if you’re shooting to ship a few hundred million units of electronics in 365 days, I think small might not cut it. Maybe.

Sigh. In what I do (wordsmith and imagineer) maybe small is just as good, if not better. Maybe even just a better proposition for me. Right?

Link: Seth’s Blog: Small is the new big.

Don’t wait. Get small. Think big.