The difficulty of scanning podcasts…

I’ve been spending the past few days catching up on my manifestos from ChangeThis. They just handed over the management of the whole site to 800-CEO-READ. Nonetheless, I knew Seth Godin was one of the founders, but read about the other folks there and followed the link to Amit Gupta.

Funny guy, go read him.

But, one comment caught my eye:

Link: Amit Gupta’s Blog.

There are more blogs than I can absorb and sort through already, but as Seth points out, at least I can spend 10 seconds on a blog and know if it’s worth my time or not. Not so with a podcast. As the number of available podcasts grows, the problem of figuring out what to listen to becomes greater.

When I was at Les Blogs back at the end of April, Caterina Fake, of Flickr fame, made a comment that stuck with me: ‘you can’t scan a page of videos as you can a page of photos’.

It shook me, becuase I am a video guy and I just love posting videos from the road to my blog. But, she’s right, it’s not easy to know what a video is about or how long by just looking at a screen shot or some numbers.

The same thing will happen with podcasts, as Anil mentions. You really can’t scan them rapidly as you can with text or photos.

Indeed, this harks back to some discussions we used to have at work about audio and video and that, while both are information rich, they aren’t easy to browse and hence have a lower importance in one’s Lifeblog.