The Mobile Device Detection Problem

This is a good first list of options for all of you who don’t have mobile-readable sites (including service providers, such as Six Apart).

Link: The Mobile Device Detection Problem | Mobile Design.

Publishing a mobile version of your content is harder then is should be. One significant technical leap must be made in order to give users a seamless experience… device detection, the relatively simple concept of routing different devices to the most appropriate content for that device.


  1. Mobility issues

    We have been thinking about the ways in which pupils and staff in our school will be connecting to the web in the months and years immediately ahead. Both campus-wide wireless provision and the expectation that hand-held devices will be

  2. Device Detection is still difficult but not impossible. Most web browsers send a unique HTTP User-Agent string with every request. By inspecting the User-Agent it is (mostly) possible to identify whether a request is being made from a mobile device or not.
    Check out the demo & Python code here:

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