Wanna know where folks think the Internet will be in 2010 – read this report

I’ve started reading the report mentioned in the post below. It’s chock-full of great thinking. Read it to get your wheels spinning. I don’t remember where I heard of it first, but these guys have a nice summary and a link to download.

Of course, the stuff in the report fits in well with a lot I’ve been talking about.

Link: Boing Boing: Clueful Aussie report on the Internet circa 2010.

Clueful Aussie report on the Internet circa 2010
Smart Internet 2010 is an ambitious, 170-page report on the future of the Internet commissioned by the Australian government. It covers a lot of ground (much of it likely familiar to you if you’re a regular BB reader), aimed at a general audience (e.g., net-clueless regulators). It basically tries to sum up all the stuff going on with P2P, copyright, games, VoIP, and all. The authors spoke to a lot of non-usual-suspects, people from outside policyland, and came up with something that’s a lot closer to a couple months’ worth of blog-reading than a couple months’ talking to academics and regulators.

Now only if I could have a bound copy. Hmmm, Printfu?