When mobile tagging meets the Web

This is a nice fusion of PC, Web and mobile. I think this kind of mixing, made possible by Web 2.0 (or Web 5.5, if you are contrarian) is where the next big things are coming from. Only thing, we need to get more mobile into the mix.

Link (via MoMo Mike): Semapedia – The Physical Wikipedia.

Our goal is to combine the physical annotation technology of semacode with the availability of high quality information using the free encyclopedia Wikipedia.


  1. Wow, that’s such a good idea! I can’t believe that it’s the Austrians using it. It’s sooooo sad that Germans are very slow on the up-take of new technologies. If I mentioned the word ‘Semacode’ to anyone here – unless they work with realy technologies – then all I get is a raised eyebrow and a ‘WHAT?’ *sighs*

  2. I think physical tagging is an awesome idea, it brings the 2D metaverse that is the internet in the the 3D human world; which is definatley the way round things should go. Semapedia is a great take on this and will no be the last.
    Paper tags will be quite cluttered thoguht when you consider the sheer number of websites. Maybe an RFID or Bluetooth type system would work better. Both do kind of miss the point though.

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