InterCasting Corp: The Mobile Media Era (With exciting InfoGraphic!)

Is anyone paying attention to these guys? Not only do they have a great track record, but they really get what the Mobile Lifestyle means to Media.

Shawn has written this great essay on the ‘ages’ of Media – TV-Cable-Internet-mobile. He makes a compelling case for us to understand Mobile Media as something that has evolved but is distinct from the previous ages. I think the quote below provides the best framing of the impact of what he is getting at.

The thing here is that Intercasting Corp has more on its mind than Rabble. Something tells me that Rabble is a small toe in the whole thing and that there will be bigger things coming from these guys. These guys will not be the usual ‘build something small and sell it quick’. These guys seem to be building not only the philosophy needed, but the whole she-bang.

Link: InterCasting Corp: The Mobile Media Era (With exciting InfoGraphic below!).

Imagine a reporter at the New York Times looking at a map of the world on her computer with little dots representing media being generated by ordinary people like you and me. Then all of a sudden a bunch of red dots show up, all clustered around Banda Aceh. Click and zoom to a list of pictures uploaded instantly by people on the scene of a massive tidal wave. One second later, that content is inserted into the editorial process and they are first to the story. Or that same image might be on your mobile device and you get to cut out the middle man entirely, or better yet – write your own story about it and syndicate it.

I’ve been trying to catch up with Shawn and crowd, but time and space seem to conspire against us. 😉