Is this the first mobile tag cloud?

Shot_2If you go to from your mobile and select "Browse Chat Tags" you can view the tag cloud for all the chats on WINKsite. And it loads pretty fast.

Might this be the very first tag cloud that works well on a mobile? I haven’t seen any before.

Call for comments: It works fine on my super-duper, top-of-the-line, whizz-bang phone. Does it work on yours? Let me know! Put phone make and model at the bottom and tell me what you see, regardless if it works or not.


  1. The WINKsite Chat Tag Cloud will work well with any respectable XHTML-MP browser. Those without XHTML-MP will see a list of tags at a fixed size. Further chat tags options such as keyword tags, tags within 24 hours, and past week are under development and will be available soon. We’ll keep an eye on the comments here if any one has suggestions.

  2. The nextBLAST guys also have a mobile tag cloud for visualizing publishers’ keywords. It can be found in the “control panel” when viewing a subscribed feed through the browser-based part of their service.

  3. It works on a 6670 which makes the 6680 not working seem odd. I’ll try it out on a 6680 later to see if my results match Mike’s. Is there a different browser between the 6670 and the 6680?

  4. tried it on a Nokia 3200 – the cloud looks great, but the browsre makes me click through all the links from left to right, so i can’t just jump down to the next line.

  5. The variable size fonts work fine both on the 6600 and 6800, but the 6800 has the same horizontal only link traversal issue that Charlie describes with the 3200 above.

  6. hey, i saw something similar on….the tags are called kooltags n they’re not only restricted to chatting. You can do a lot more! Share photos, videos, blogs, personal content, etc , Search google n wikipedia , explore brands n other tags…all on your cell phone, n all for FREE!!!!

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