Shawn Conahan’s Europe trip report

Shawn Conahan is the CEO of Intercasting Corp, the folks who have brought us Rabble. He really understands the implications of the mobile lifestyle on multimedia creation and consumption.

Read the Intercasting Corp blog (link below) if you want to know where mobile multimedia is going.

A recent post of his  (see except and link below) stuck a chord with me, as an American living in Europe. Here’s my comment to him (I tried to leave one, but was having issues):

great report. i think there are two axes here: the teen scene and the europe-u.s. differences.

as for the teen scene, we need to listen and watch teens more since they are very clever in how they adapt and use tech. but, i keep wondering if they are actually the biggest market for everything from toothpaste to underwear, if you know what i mean – everyone wants a piece of the teen scene.

with the europe-u.s. difference, i’ve been able to see it evolve over the last 6-7 years, being able to dip to some degree in both worlds in the wireless and computing space. it’s been interesting to see the u.s. grow it’s own flavour of mobile. i get a bit peeved when folks say the u.s. is behind europe when it comes to mobile. it think that’s just too simplistic. the reality is that the u.s. perceives mobile differently because the technical foundations are so different. i stated this years ago and it still holds. but, that makes it challenging to create a global product and a global marketing message (been there, done that), especially viewing the challenges of scale, players, and consumer attitudes.

looking forward to rabble on this side of the world. 😉

Here’s the post:

Link: InterCasting Corp: Europe Trip Report.

I am back from Europe and learned a few things. One of which is that I am going to be spending a lot of time out of the country next year. You can also look forward to Rabble going international fairly soon, possibly in Q4. Overall it was a very productive trip. Here is my synopsis: