on: MySpace shooting for mobile

Link (via The Kelsey Group): mobile content news.

Ross Levinsohn, president of Fox Interactive Media, is speaking to a good-size crowd at the Mandalay Convention Center. A lot of table setting to start — how News Corp. reinvigorated its interactive business, spent nearly $2 billion, built audience up to 62 million users, etc.
Some highlights:
— “This is the year MySpace is going to go mobile. You can see them interacting on their computer, now want to extend that to the phone. … We want to empower MySpace screen names to supplant mobile numbers.”

And thanks, Richard, for the original link.

1 Comment

  1. Is this not a wee bit of a case of putting the cart before the horse? At least half of the time that I try to log into MySpace the servers are so overloaded that one can’t get on, the other half of the time the experience is very slow.
    One would think that Rupert Murdoch’s folk could buy a few more servers and a bit more bandwidth before trying to add on mobile.

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