Stuart Mudie is organizing a mobile gathering at 3GSM

Mobile maniacs unite!

Link: – Stuart Mudie’s weblog – MobileSunday Barcelona.

The 3GSM World Congress, the annual trade fair that is the world’s largest gathering of everyone with an interest in all things mobile, will take place in Barcelona from Monday 13 to Thursday 16 February.

I will be attending this year to witness the launch of the 2006 edition of the Netsize Guide, of which I am one of the co-authors, and I’m willing to bet I won’t be the only mobile blogger in town. Wouldn’t it be fun if we could all meet up somewhere beforehand and indulge in some pre-3GSM mobile geekery?

UPDATE: D’oh! Forgot to say that as far as I know, I will NOT be there. Sad, but true. So, take pics and drink a few for me (I can handle it). I like brown ales.

Oh, and the organizers are Stuart and Rudy. When I know more, I’ll post it here.


  1. I’ll fly into Barcelona on Saturday (11th Feb.) to have some time to enjoy some of the sights before the conference starts. Pre-3GSM mobile geekery is definitely my thing. If you organize something, count me in and let me know.

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