Scott Rafer’s Thank You Note from The Gambia

Scott posted a sweet note from a WINKsite user in Gambia (link below). His co-conspirator, David Harper, had shared it with me earlier and I had asked if they could find out more about this user. I think it would be an enlightening story.

Scott, David, and I have spoken before about the simple power of something like WINKsite in a place like Africa or India. Indeed, whenever I go to check out active mobile chat rooms on WINKsite, the most active one is in Mumbai (afternoon in Europe is evening in Mumbai). I am pretty sure that the mobile versions of Google and Yahoo are also big in India or Africa relative to their PC Browser based services.

Hmmm, that’s a lot of Africa posts for me in the past week or so.

Follow the link below to the message.

Link: Scott Rafer’s Mobile Chair � Blog Archive � A Thank You Note from The Gambia.

Making money is super, and there’s many ways to do it. However, very few put you on the receiving end of thank you notes from The Gambia, per capita GDP $1900.