Kelly on: Next generation mobile authoring

Kelly is a designer with her head in the right place. What I like is that she constantly stresses the need for designers to be embeded and work closely as part of an integreated multidisciplinary team of visual designers, technologists,
ethnographers, and usability specialists.

What I like about this article (link below) is that she stresses, basically, that design should be about making useful products that blend into the individual’s mobile lifestyle.

Link: next generation mobile authoring | gotomobile.

Technological convergence, increased connectivity and consumer expectations are merging to create a landscape of opportunity for the next generation of mobile content, services and applications. Success and adoption are dependent on creating usable and useful experiences — positive interactions that are integrated into an individual’s actual lifestyle.

Ooh, and I see she’s starting up a category on her site tagged ‘lifestyle process’ design. Looking for more under that category.