When you give a telco a server…

I just attended a nice talk by Henry Sinnreich, CTO from Pulver.com, on P2P SIP. He was promoting P2P SIP since it solved many overhead issues, such as central servers. He also made some comments why we should be pushing server-less solutions to telcos.

His comment reminded me of something I said earlier that any new product should not require a new box for the telco, but it also made me think of a book my kids have at home, If You Give a Mouse a Cookie.

Here’s what I came up with (heavily based on Henry’s comments, so the credit is his):

If you give a telco a server…

Then they are going to want more than one server to take care of geographical traffic and to ensure that at least one is running all the time for redundancy.

If they have a server, and more than one, then they will want a technician – a few technicians. They will want a few technicians per server to run in 3 shifts, 24/7 all year long.

If they have a technician, and more than one, then they will want a manager to keep track of all those folks, maybe a few managers.

If they have a manager, and more than one, then they will want an assistant, maybe for each manager.

If they have so many managers, with so many technicians and assistants, then they will want a VP to take care of it all.

Oy. Hence Henry’s push for P2P comms solutions that don’t really need central servers.*

*And don’t get me going about IMS!