Tomi Ahonen on: What happens when majority access web via mobile phone

Tomi has a good take on some recent data from Ipsos Research. Very much in line with what I have been saying here (eh, a few points rub me the wrong way, but they balance out my prejudices). He does a good job of not only putting so much in one place, but of bringing up issues and answers (in the text and comments) related to the impending dominance of Internet access via mobile phones.

Go and read it.

Link: Communities Dominate Brands: What happens when majority access web via mobile phone.

Spotted a telling statistic by Ipsos Research, who reported that at the end of 2005 a total of 28% of all mobile phone users access the internet with their phones. Across the 2.1 billion mobile phone users, that works out to 588 million users. And obviously across the 1 billion internet users at the end of 2005, that means that almost 59% of internet users access the web via cellphone.

Great article, Tomi.