Marc says: Point at or Store – we don’t care

Marc has been a leader in the thinking around Digital Lifestyle Aggregators, the portals, personal home pages, aggregators, and what-not that bring various data or media channels together into one coherent experience.

It’s a pet idea for me, since I think DLA’s are the way to go to provide a great mobile Web experience.

A short while back, Marc had a reply to a comment regarding the difference between storing data or just pointing to data. This is relevant (and I stretch the thread a bit here) to the mobile world since storage is limited and going online is never the best thing to do, so it’s never a clear-cut case whether to locally store or to store on a server or to just point to the original somewhere out there.

To his credit, Marc reiterates that the location of data or user info (relevant morsels a DLA aggregates) is not the necessarily the point, but the ability to bring it all together is. And, to pass his insight through my mental filters, it maybe better for the service that brings these morsels together to hold some local info about the user to provide the best user experience via profiles, storage, and interactivity.


Geez, Marc, we are so of one mind here.

Link: Marc’s Voice � Blog Archive � Point at or Store – we don’t care.

Please don’t confuse the fact that we CAN store media, empower you to blog with structured blogging or provide you easy ways to move your data IN; but we can also provide you ways to move your data OUT – to anywhere you wanna be, post to, make friends with or in some other way “exist in cyberspace”.