My kid gets mobile: Location-based Music

My kids are quite observant (as most kids are) and are keen to please (as most kids are). Sometimes, this translates into long conversations of potential products and services (really!). They are just trying to help Dad come up with ideas (and maybe make it with them).

The latest came from my 8 year old daughter. She’s really into music, knows her way around iTunes, wrote a song with me in GarageBand, and her favourite birthday present was a new (used) phone that had a radio in it.

Unfortuntely, I forget what we were talking about, maybe it was triggered by her older brother’s constant questioning (he’s been asking ‘why’ and we’ve been searching for answers since he could speak), but I think I had mentioned Nike’s and Apple’s music and running product, mentioning that I’d seen research that matches the song beat based on the cadence of the steps (faster song, faster beat).

Well, my girl starts having a brainwave about where music should be played. She said, why play a winter tune if it is summer? Why play a rough tune when you are out in the country? Or something like that.

The up-shot was Location-based Music. She said, the phone would know where you were and play a song appropriate (emotionally) to the location. Cool.

Her next assignment is to check out Pandora and I think she’ll like them.

Yeah, this is a proud Dad post. Summer’s kicking in and we’re spending a lot of quality time thinking and chatting and playing.


  1. Your kid is pretty smart… I’m planning to do something similiar (Location-Based Music) as a side project
    can you send me any research you are aware about regarding music beat matching song beat

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