Mobile Opportunity on: Why are mobile application sales dropping?

Ok. So this might be old and beaten (see all the amazing discussion), but I just got back from holidays and I had to put it here.

This is part of trend of reports I’ve been seeing around. I remember one about Java games, too.

What to do, what to do? I guess education is a good start. Yo, Phil!

And to throw the firecracker in the flames:
Does it matter? Are these apps showing up in other ways, in other places? In the PC world, Apple and MS keep nibbling away at ISVs by adding the same functions into the OS. And do people actually want add-on software in the first place? How many PC users buy software after their first purchase? Also, let’s face it, the bulk of phone buyers are not computer folks but people who want a phone and then some. Smartphone, schmartphone – it’s all the same to them.

Link: Mobile Opportunity: Why are mobile application sales dropping?.

"Don’t bother doing a survey. Everyone knows it’s true." And sure enough, if you poke around on the web, you can find a lot of commentary raising questions about the viability of the mobile data market.