Great discussion on use and design in Twitter

Twitter intrigues me.

I stumbled upon an amazing article (link below) dissecting Twitter and introducing me to Twitterific, a separate ‘widget’ to interact with Twitter outside of a browser.

Worth a read.

Link [courtesy of Tom]: Subtraction: Writing and Sizing Twitter:

Your observations about sovereign vs. auxillary posture are spot on. One of our design goals was to ensure that the application could be as unobtrusive as possible. And adaptable to different work environments/conditions.

1 Comment

  1. I have a couple of Twitter questions that nobody is really talking about – what’s the business model? What kind of bulk SMS infrastructure are they using and how does that scale, cost-wise? I started following a BBCWorld twitter bot the other day, and it generated around 40 messages a day, to hundreds of followers. All of which I am getting for free. I love Twitter but I wonder if this service will be around for long in the current form.

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