Survey gives luv txt tips – Daily Business Update – The Boston Globe

Funny article in the Boston Globe on texting (link below). Even after all these years, there’s still a fascination.

And while we are onto the mystique of text messages, Hugo sent me a link way back about an author who wrote a book in text message form.

Very clever. I wish I had thought about it. Indeed, Lifeblog would make it easy to make it autobiographical. And, mix in a bit of Twitter, and you have a very amusing collection of messages (could go on and on about having fun with Twitter).

Link (registration required): Survey gives luv txt tips – Daily Business Update – The Boston Globe.

But don’t lose hope. While eight percent of respondents said bad cellphone etiquette ended their relationship, twenty-eight percent they flirted by text, and a third said they texted their significant other — six percent more than last year. Nearly a fifth said their cellphone had been useful for crashing an unpleasant date.