links for 2007-06-29


  1. Hey Charlie, just wondering how you enabled these blog posts to be setup automatically from delicious. I’ve found multiple ways, like yours the best.

  2. Stefan,
    Yeah, I like it, since it brings my normal link roll into my regular RSS feeds. And I do sort of do at least a link or so every time I’m at my computer, so it works out. Kinda like insta-post. Old style, too (link and slight comment.
    I did it under settings->dailu blog posting (under blogging). You need to do some funky setup, where you need to know a few specifics like the api URL and blog number, but I use typepad, so it wasn’t too hard.
    It cold be better. For exmple, I’d love to set the title of the post, instead of the current default.
    Hope it works for you.
    PS Boy, show’s how out of it I’ve been. Into Mobile looks really good. Hope it’s been working for you and your pals.

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