Ovi by Nokia

Busy right now, but wanted to let you all know that ovi.com is what’s kept me away for all this time. Oh, we’re not done yet, won’t be for a while, but we hope to start trickling out stuff by the end of the year.

Really exciting, if you want to know.

When I get back to Finland (I’m in London at a workshop) I’ll try to tell more.

For now, go read read it here:

Link: Meet Ovi, the Door to Nokia’s Internet Services:

Nokia today introduced Ovi, the company’s new Internet services brand name. With the introduction of Ovi, Nokia is expanding from a focus on mobile devices to offering a range of Internet services. Ovi, meaning ‘door’ in Finnish, enables consumers to easily access their existing social network, communities and content, as well as acting as a gateway to Nokia services.


  1. Can we schedule a meeting when you get back to Helsinki? Would love to talk to you more about Ovi and you seem to be the lead man from what a few friends at Multimedia told me.

  2. Ovum say: Nokia continues transformation with new portal brand

    Really good analysis by Ovum regarding Ovi. As you know, I’m part of the group working on this. As Ovum says, the key for us, as for anyone integrating various disparate services, is not only making them work together, but

  3. Shop E61i; apparently there was a problem with redirections when I was trying.
    I’m still disappointed at the use of Flash, though. That’s so… 1999.

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