Ty Burr says ‘Blade Runner’ is better than ever, in The Boston Globe

So far, Ty Burr has never disappointed me. What he likes, I do. What he doesn’t, same here.

Now he mentions the latest Blade Runner release (see link below). He likes it, so I’m gonna check it out.

Blade Runner is one of my all time favourites. Interestingly, in the past month, I’ve ‘discovered’ Philip K Dick, after having watch so many films based on his stories – Blade Runner, Total Recall, Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Minority Report, Next, and Through a Scanner Darkly.

After watching Next, I vowed to find any any any Dick book and picked up a collection from a used bookstore in Melbourne.

Now, I so love Philip K Dick. Why did it take me so long to _read_ his amazing work. He’s got an edge, the heros invariably lose when they win, it’s not la-di-da clever sci-fi, but real people in real dilemmas with tech to add a twist that propels the story.

He makes Herbert and Asimov and Heinlein look like pansies (heh, how many movies do those guys have?*).

Link: ‘Blade Runner’ is better than ever – The Boston Globe:

Still, it’s nice to see Ford looking so young again and LA so old; the clockwork-toy sequences shot in the city’s Bradbury Building, with Daryl Hannah’s Pris cartwheeling through the wreckage like a homicidal wind-up doll; Rutger Hauer’s gleaming, tragic Roy Batty, an automaton so much better than the humans he serves – these are all welcome attendees at a 25th reunion. “Blade Runner” has become a chilly eulogy for a future that hasn’t quite happened.

*I mention these three because the forward in my book mentions how few these guys made (3 among them).