1. iPhone is popular in the US – and Flickr is also popular in the US. N95 is not popular at all in the US.
    The fact that there is flat fee data connectivity on all iPhones helps too.
    Both these factors will drive the curves up with this particular service. But whether they really mean anything, that’s anybody’s guess.

  2. I have to agree with Janne partly. Flatrates. It’s what drove internet adoption, it is what will drive mobile internet. You just need a flatrate to stop thinking about it.
    And I wouldn’t say it is due to the iPhone being in the US but the iPhone being with the first adopter crowd.

  3. “The best camera is the camera that you have with you”.
    2MP doesn’t trump 5MP, but if it’s the only camera you’ve got, you’ll use it. Couple that with Janne’s comment about Flickr’s popularity and I think that helps explain it. Most people who have an iPhone have another camera – but they might not have it with them. You know?

  4. Not to drink the kool-aid too much, but could Share on Ovi have had anything to do with this? It’s free, does video, and integrates with the N95 just as tightly as Flickr does…

  5. Flickr is small compared to the other photo sharing site, but people “in the know” with all things Web 2.0 don’t realize it. It doesn’t mean anything really, way to go iPhone.

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