Using Lifeblog with two phones

Just as Lifeblog isn’t meant to work with two databases, it’s not meant to work with two phones. I’ve tried it. The items all transfer well to the PC, but then it gets hairy with the Favorites.

I think the model used to design the Favorites didn’t expect more than one phone or item database at a time dedicated to Lifeblog. Makes sense, since Lifeblog is not meant to do these things. 😉

But, it would be cool if a family, or say, and event could have a single Lifeblog to which all the items were transferred and each person had their own Favorites. I don’t know.

Two Lifeblogs in one PC account

I realized when I installed the Lifeblogger hack that it expects there to be only one Lifeblog database per user account on a PC. Well, I have two. And yes, it’s a little hack.

And yes, here’s the little hack.

This hack allows you to make the Lifeblog app on your PC use another folder other than the default folder. I use this to have more than one Lifeblog on my PC, for example a Demo Data Lifeblog and my Personal Lifeblog.

Remember: Lifeblog wasn’t meant to really work with more than one database. Therefore, the main warnings are that there is some confusion with the Favorites that I haven’t figured out yet, the Lifeblog data that is open is the one that will synch and is a pain to move data from one Lifeblog to the other if you mess up, and, of course, you risk really screwing up everything (it’s not my fault, but yours). Back up back up back up before messing around.

How to do it:

Basically, you make a shortcut of the NokiaLifeblogMain.exe app and set it for another target.

Here are two shortcuts I have.
One is my personal Lifeblog, the other the demo Lifeblog. To be able to have them on one machine, this is what I did.

Locate NokiaLifeblogMain.exe (NOT NokiaLifeblog.exe).
Copy the file and then paste it as a shortcut wherever you want it. I pasted my shortcut on the desktop.

Open up the properties for the new shortcut. In the target field, spell out the path for the folder that will contain the Lifeblog Data folder.
I have a folder called LifeblogDemoDataFolder.
Notice the original NokiaLifeblogData folder. That’s for my personal Lifeblog.

The new target folder will contain the folder with all your Lifeblog data.

I hope this makes sense. 😉 Try it with a network folder. I don’t know what would happen if the network is offline when opening Lifeblog. I’d be curious to know.

Lifeblog Beta – quote of the day

“Wow!! Very interesting…and unique. And really saves the memory as backup but in style. Makes life easier as in rather than having a diary to fill, it is the as u go through managing the day taking notes, messages, and moments… emotions is the key of creativity and success and great moments in time 🙂 ”

Lifeblog Beta – quote of the day

“Love it Love it Love it. Couldn’t believe I just loaded up my pictures from the PC and it sorted them into date order which is great. Now I can look back and remember the pics I took on birthdays and view pics from across the whole lifetime of my camera phone. Its great being able to see everything in one place – from my old camera phone as well. The pictures do really tell my story. Only thing is from looking at the pics – I need to do a lot more!”

Finnish holidays are over

Unlike the rest of Europe, which takes holidays in August, Finland’s holiday season is July. Alas, the holiday season is over and we are all now digging out from under the things we left behind in June. I’m going through emails, getting ready to respond to many folks to see how they are doing to get business rolling again, and making plans for the next 6 months.

Swamped and itching to get real stuff done.