Alas no Mac hack – yet

Some of us here on the Lifeblog team are true Mac fanatics. Kinda funny that we are working on a (currently) PC-only piece of software.

One of our designers decided to test Lifeblog in Virtual PC 6.1 on his Mac. Alas, even though DirectX 9 runs on the Win XP in Virtual PC, the graphics card adapter emulated by Virtual PC only has 4 MB (!) of video RAM on some old graphics card. That doesn’t cut it, because we figured we’d use 32 MB (and in some cases 16 MB) or video RAM as the minimum to run Lifeblog. I mean, don’t most PCs running XP have more than that?

In any case, we’re out of luck here.

The promising news, though, is that Virtual PC 7 will have better DirectX support (3D stuff for games) and that it’s coming out in October (well, hopefully by the end of the year). You can bet that we’re going to get a copy of it as soon as we can, and let you know. 😉

One other thing: No, we don’t know when the Mac version will come out, if ever. We’re just a small team with a small budget. But I’m always pushing for it.


  1. I am so glad to hear that there is at least some (however minor) bit of consideration going into there eventually being a mac version of lifeblog (or at least some sort of usability. I want to get the 7610 so badly, but part of that reason is for lifeblog. Thanks again, and PLEASE keep on pushing for it…however subversive you have to be!

  2. Glad to hear that someone on the inside is at least wishing for an OS X Lifeblog. I’m testing the 6630 and Lifeblog and I’m dying for some kind of OS X support. I was up all night trying to get it to run in Virtual PC, but it crashed at the splash screen every time.
    Here’s hoping that I will at least be able to sync in Tiger… I love this phone!

  3. Charlie, how about posting some detailed database specs for lifeblog? I bet we could work something out now that the iSync API is open.

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