First Lifeblog hack available!

Russell Beattie is a great guy who now has a Nokia 7610 and Lifeblog and really likes it.

In his review of the Nokia 7610 he says:

“The Lifeblog app is of course the star of the phone and it works pretty much as advertised.”

and I like it when he says in his next post:

“I’m all about simplicity, and this app has the Fischer-Price sense of bright-colors, big controls which is not a bad thing at all.”

“Fischer-Price controls” – very funny, but true. Keep it simple!

Yes, yes, yes. He so gets it.

But what is really cool is that his buddy Erik Thauvin (with concepting by Russ and Matt Croydon) has come up with the first bona-fide Lifeblog Hack that I have seen! I have yet to use it, but Russ seems to give it a thumbs up.

“LifeBlogger allows you to post your Nokia Lifeblog favorites to your blog.”

Check it out. Way to go Erik. This is exactly what I want to happen.

I’m no programmer, but I can sure give more ideas to these guys and will send unsolicited comments their way. 😉