Russell on: gets it

Russ points out an interesting online storage company that is already adding mobile access to their offering. Russ also points to his old article on the need for a .mac for mobiles.

FWIW, Russ, I remember when it came out AND I’ve had it bookmarked since then. I thought is a great idea back then and a great idea now. Too bad no one has yet grokked the importance. I think Box and others (like Yahoo’s SynchML service) are building the pieces, but as you say, it’ll be the total experience that will make or break such a services.

Thanks for the link.

Link: Russell Beattie Notebook – gets it.

There’s a lot of things I like about – starting with its name. It’s short, descriptive and a real word. I don’t know how they managed to land it, but it’s great. It may seem trivial, but you’ve got to have a good name. On top of that they’ve got a nice site with a clean design, and a very clear service and value proposition for their customers: Free online storage with premium plans for higher-end customers. Though it’s been done before in one form or another, it’s an obvious need – how many hacks out there did we see that turned your 2GB of GMail into an online storage system? So right off the bat, these guys are winners in my book – good name, nice design, a service with obvious value and a monetization system right away. Okay, so they’re not pushing the envelope in terms of “changing the world” right now, but I’ll cut them some slack on that.

Why? Because they’ve got mobile support. W00t! Basic stuff today with some plans for very cool stuff coming up.