Cringely on: Stupid Net Tricks

I’m a long-time fan of Cringley.

Here’s some great insight from him regarding all the crying the connectivity providers are doing to lock down the Internet (with the US Congress nodding in agreement).

Link: PBS | I, Cringely . February 9, 2006 – Stupid Net Tricks.

I live in Charleston, SC, one of the most technologically backward cities in America, yet I can call my Mom right now using any one of half a dozen completely independent and parallel communication networks. So my right to phone service is no longer dependent on BellSouth’s right to provide phone service. If BellSouth went out of business there would be no long-term disruption. The argument that any particular service provider ought to be given preferential rights in order to help them survive no longer has any real bearing on Public Service. That argument is bogus.


  1. Just wanted to post a comment and say hello.
    I am a vlogger with some depth and knowledge regarding mobile vlogging.
    I have a Nokia N90 usinf Lifeblog to my typepad Vlog.
    It works nice when it works and was just searching around for answers as to why it isn’t working.
    Have you heard of any issues? If so please expand on them.

  2. The only things I can think of that might cause problems:
    – The files are too large and the uploading get tripped up. Yep, I sure wish Atom allowed a resumed upload. Would sure help with mobile apps.
    – Something with TypePad. I used to have problems posting a video as a guest. Something about permissions and all.
    Video really stresses the whole system – over the network, the download, the server waiting. I see you use VideoEgg, which I have never used, so cannot really help there.
    BTW, I see that all of your posts have one item. You can post more than one item at a time by shift-selecting (hold the pencil key and then click with joystick) the items you want to post as a group. Sometimes a few images tell a unified story. And the layout in TypePad is nice.

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