The Kaywa Reader – more barcodes to mobile sites connections

I don’t know how long they have been offering this, but the nice guys at Kaywa, providers of personal mobile sites, provide some nice pages to help folks download the 3G Vision 2D barcode reader.

Check it out here.

Alas, my phone is not supported, but I heard the reader is quick.

In any case, Kaywa is promoting the same thing that Winksite (and Microsoft) is pushing, making it easier for their mobile site users to use, offer, and create 2D barcodes. Indeed, I hope that the uptake of 2D barcodes speeds us as folks start promoting the reader and the content together.

So this is good.


  1. Hey Charlie! thanks for the good word.
    More phones support is in the pipeline… I will keep you updated (on the other hand you change phone every other week 🙂

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