Challenge update: entering the last month

This past year, I’ve challenged myself to do one meaningful project a month. While building embedded electronics and printing objects can be fun, I wanted to keep myself to a few constraints, such as each project needs to be around making a concept tangible, or that concepts should use microcontrollers (if using electronics) rather than more capable computers. OK, so I might not have cleaved to those constraints, but they were a good start.

In any case, I’ve done OK. I started to challenge on 15jul20 and because I mark the month from 15th to 15th (there’s a reason) on 15jun21 I’m about to start the last project of the challenge.

At the end of this last project, I’ll post a summary post with links to all the projects, and some commentary on what I’ve learned along the way.

In the mean time, I realized I have not posted the last two projects, not to mention an update on one that has been running for a while. Fear not, they will be coming. Watch this space.

Image by Lars Nissen